Vogel Canyon Falls

A beautiful 50-foot seasonal waterfall lies hidden in Big Tujunga. The hike starts from Big Tujunga Canyon Road (not at Vogel Flat picnic grounds). Simply head up-stream in Vogel Canyon, about 1/4 of a mile. When encountering a fork, stay to the left. Although only a quarter mile, the going is long since there is extra brush to maneuver. There is no trail so be aware of your surroundings and be careful of the wildlife. Poison Oak is abundant! After treading through the wooded canyon, you encounter the charming 50-foot falls.

May 2017- encountering a what looks like hummingbird nest! With a miniature egg
May 2017- Vogel Canyon Falls. Lots of moss but little water
March 2019- The falls after a strong rain season
Heavenly sparkling falls

You can check out a map here

Enjoy responsibly!

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