Glen Canyon Falls

After some recent socal rain, I ventured out to see Glen Canyon Falls. A scenic 12 mile bike path and road follows the beautiful West Fork to Glen campground and Cogswell Dam. 

Cogswell Dam Gate
Just one of many tributaries, full and feeding the West Fork
The side canyons themselves could be further scaled and explored. 
Fresh minerals in waterfall after socal rains.

At 6.3 mi, Glen campground comes into view, which can be at full capacity with scouts on weekends.  We rode on past the campground to the Cogswell dam gate and then back to Glen Campground. We stashed our bikes and hiked up a quarter mile up the canyon to see the main falls.  

Lush Glen Canyon
….and they were stunning….

From a certain angle, we were able to barely see all three falls at the same time. However I wouldn’t recommend climbing the side slope to check out the upper falls. The route is steep and loose dirt without hand holds. Dan Simpson wrote “Bottom line, I don’t think the reward of going past the lower falls is worth the danger and risk, unless of course, you have technical canyoneering skills and equipment”

Hopping back onto our bikes we rode back to our cars, admiring all these little fellas on the road:

Newts XING!!

Check out the full album on Flickr:


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