

Camp Rosenita

Camp Cumorah Crest was a LDS and a Boy Scout Camp until it burned down in 2009. It then became Camp Eaton, which still operates today

Hikes, References

Hukaht Canyon

In 2022, the derogatory term “squaw” was scrubbed from federal use, thus changing the San Gabe’s Squaw Canyon to Hukaht Canyon.


Camp 37 Cedar Springs

Camp 37 at Cedar Springs was a prison road camp that helped build the Mt. Williamson Tunnels along the Angeles Crest Highway


Tribute to Twinkie

Tribute to Twinkie Today marks the anniversary of the day when I lost a piece of my heart. It has been


Sturde’s Hideaway

Sturde’s Hideaway Wilbur “Sturde” Sturtevant (1841- 1910) pioneered more miles of trails than anyone else in the San Gabriels. In


Little Jimmy Camp

Little Jimmy Camp With just about an hours drive from Los Angeles, you can experience the backcountry with an overnight stay


Big Tujunga Water Tunnels

Big Tujunga Water Tunnels Very few people know about Big Tujunga’s unique tunnels. Their construction probably dates back to the

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