Fire lookouts

Soon after the worst fire in U.S. history burned more than 3 million acres in Idaho and Montana in 1910, fire lookouts began to spring up all over the country, reaching a peak of 8,000 at one point.

Only two of the original fire lookouts in the Angeles National Forest remain in use now. Most lookouts were removed because of under-funding, the rise in smog clouding visibility, and the advancement of spotter planes. A few were destroyed by the many wild fires associated with Southern California’s dry climate. The Angeles National Forest Fire Lookout Association has preserved these remaining historic lookouts.

Thanks to the tedious efforts of Ron Kemnow, there is an amazing collection of records in his Forest Lookouts site.

Follow along as I research and explore the fire lookouts of Los Angeles County. Each location is a discovery into the  background of the times and reveals personal stories of experiences with the forest and the people. A few towers I have included because some are in San Bernardino County but part of the San Gabriels. Or outside of the forest, but in Los Angeles County.

Blue Ridge
Bodle Peak
Castro Peak
Charlie/Castaic Peak
Grass Mountain
Josephine Peak
Lookout Mountain
Los Pinetos Peak
Mendenhall Peak
Mount Gleason
Mount Islip
Mount Lukens
Mount Pacifico
Mount Wilson
Oat Mountain
Parker Mountain
Pine Mountain
Point Dume
Ross Field
Reservoir Summit
San Dimas/ Johnstone Peak
San Gabriel Peak
San Jose
San Rafael
San Sevaine
San Vicente
Sawmill Mountain
Sierra Pelona
Slide Mountain
South Mount Hawkins
Sunset Peak
Tejon Mountain
Topanga/Saddle Peak
Triunfo Peak
West Verdugo
Vetter Mountain
Warm Springs Mountain
West Libre
Whitaker Peak
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