Camp Eaton (Camp Cumorah Crest)

Camp Cumorah Crest LDS Church San Gabriel Valley Council Boy Scouts BSA Patch

Camp Cumorah Crest

Camp Cumorah Crest was located a half mile up the Santa Clara Divide Road, off the Angeles Crest Highway. It was maintained by the Mormon (LDS) Church for youth. The former San Gabriel Valley Council (SGVC) Boy Scouts also utilized this camp.

The name “Cumorah” comes from a hill in New York, where Joseph Smith said he found a set of golden plates which he translated into English and published as the Book of Mormon.

Camp Cumorah Crest was sold when the SGVC started operating their camp at Holcomb Valley in 2005.  This camp was renamed Camp Eaton when it was bought by Soledad Enrichment Action (SEA) who operated the camp until the 2009 Station Fire burned it down. SEA decided it wanted to own the land it operated the camp on, so they moved on elsewhere. Camp Eaton was rebuilt and is now operated by Community Support Services Organization (CSSO).

Camp Eaton

Camp Cumorah Crest was renamed Camp Eaton for the support of the camp from the Eaton family, operators of the Forest Lawn Memorial Parks in Southern California.

CSSO, the operators of the camp, is a non-profit organization in Los Angeles County that focuses on developing leadership in at-risk youth.

Camp Eaton Brochure. Credit: Campeaton.orgCamp Eaton Brochure. Credit:

Besides being a youth camp, its also a 14-acre campsite available for rent to groups and organizations for any purpose including for use of conferences, retreats, or camping.

The camp is conference-styled with an enormous eco-friendly multipurpose room and large state of the art yurts – for sleeping hundreds of people. It also provides opportunity for multiple recreational activities, including an Olympic-size swimming pool, sports, and workshops.

Camp Eaton Yurt. Credit: Campeaton.orgCamp Eaton Yurt. Credit:

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